Saturday, 27 October 2012

{Eric & Amanda}

You might recognise Eric & Amanda from the pictures of their wedding a year and a half ago! I think marriage looks good on them! :)

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


I can hardly call these school portraits, as Jace goes to school for all of 4 hours one day a week! (the life of a farm kid! ha!) It was very windy and very cold, and both boys refused to do pictures anywhere but at home, so I was rather limited as to backgrounds and poses! But got a few good ones, and that was all that was needed. Here is my big brother (younger than me, but bigger!). He has his license already! :O


Nathan`s School Portraits! He thought posing with books and apples was simply dumb, and was not at all impressed with the whole photoshoot idea. So we had a quick re-do photoshoot the other day, in the howling wind! O well! The frowning face and goofy poses are cute, too! Shows his true character shining through! ;)


Sheree's School Portraits! She's my sweet baby sister, and I love her to bits! :)


Marilee's school portraits! Today she just got her braces off, so I'm tempted to get her to pose for some more in the snow...the advantages (or annoying part) of having a sister with a camera! ha! Mar was the only one of my siblings who happily posed for me that day, and I am happy with the results! I can't believe she is graduating this year! So grown up already;)

 an avid Flames fan ;)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

{Sneak Peak: Sibling School Shots!}

Sneak peak of the 'School Portraits' I took for my siblings! 

 (Sheree didn't want me to post any of these "pictures with the desk and books and apples and stuff." The only sibling that nicely posed with it all was Marilee. Nathan thinks school is dumb so posing with a desk and books was just 'dumb,' and so I didn't really manage to get very many good ones of him smiling!)