Monday, 30 May 2011

{Sneak Peak: Erik & Amanda}

First of all, I should apologize for my lack of blog posts. I have been crazy busy, and my blog has been on the backburner. I'm working full time at the hospital finishing up my preceptorship, still have homework when I get home from the hospital, I'm trying to study for my LPN national exam, and I'm trying not to neglect my family and friends. So I have a lot going on. But I will be posting more as I just photographed a wedding Saturday, and have an anniversary and wedding coming up! Thanks for being patient with me!

I'm excited for you to meet Erik & Amanda! More pictures of them will be coming soon! :)

Friday, 6 May 2011

{Putting things into Perspective}

I stress. I stress about a lot of things, mostly little things. When I was in school I stressed about exams and clinical and essays. I stress about my photography. Will people like my pictures? Is my blog boring? Will I make any money with photography? Am I charging too much? I stress about my car. Why are all the lights on? Will my car last me for a year yet? Do the scratches look funny? How can I afford to pay for gas? I stress about lots of other little things. I'm so far behind in scrapbooking. Will I ever catch up? Will people come to my tupperware party? Will it be fun? How am I going to get through June? It will be so busy. Will the pictures turn out? Will I be able to find a job in July? If I do, will it be good hours? Will my nursing national exam be hard? Will I have enough time to study? Will I have enough money to pursue my dream of traveling to Europe, or Africa? I stress, ALOT.

And then there's reminders for me that all those little things that I stress about, they don't really matter. I'm alive, I'm healthy, I have family and friends that love me, so it doesn't matter. Take Kaitlin for example. ( She died, yesterday, at 17 years old. She made a difference in thousands of lives. I don't know her, but I feel that she still impacted my life. She will remain a role model for me. She was selfless, giving, and courageous. And she will be missed. By many. My heart goes out to them.

It shows me that the little things don't matter. I need to be ready to die. And when I do die, what kind of legacy will I leave? Will all my family and friends know that I loved them? Will I be a strong Christian role model for others? These are the questions that matter. They  challenge me, and I hope they will challenge you, too.

God bless Kaitlin's family and friends.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

{the Kelder family}

Meet Jacko, Lora, & Jakob. I think that even if I was the absolute worst photographer in the world (which I hope I'm not!) I could probably still get adorable pictures of Jakob! He has big blue eyes, long soft hair, and he's chubby. All the ingredients for a cute baby!! He was only 4 or 5 months old in these pictures, and he already looks so big and wise. Enjoy these pictures! Jacko and Lora, thanks so much for letting me take your family pictures!! :)

{Kar-lee & Steph}

By now, everyone probably recognizes Kar-lee. After all, I took her engagement pictures, wedding pictures, pictures of Steph as a baby, at 4 months, and now again! Kar-lee has been a big supporter of my photography! I love taking pictures for her because she is so flexible and easy- going, and lets me try all my different ideas. Thanks so much for everything, Kar-lee! :)

I absoutely love this picture!

Watch Stephanie's face. Its like she is listening to mommy tell her a big story :)

I love old things. I love old vehicles. I love overgrown grass and weeds. I love trains. and I love beautiful days with beautiful blue skies and white fluffy clouds. I love taking pictures!


Meet Stephanie, again :) These pictures were taken when she was 4 months old! She is growing up so fast, and I love her beautiful eyes and her happy smiles! She is probably the happiest baby I have ever seen!  Kar-lee, thanks so much for letting me take pictures of your little sweetheart!
I'm a sucker for beautiful blue eyes...

Sometimes, I get a little ahead of myself. Like this time, when I brought the bastket and suitcase, thinking that 4 month old Stephanie could sit in them and nicely pose for me. Well, 4 months is a little young for a baby to be sitting on their own. Oh well, lesson learned, and the pictures did turn out anyways :)


Valentines Day! I am a sucker for romance. And flowers. Lucky for me, Jono bought me 12 roses :)

Now would be a good time to say that I am extremely blessed. I have the best family, boyfriend, and friends that I could possibly have!


Our feet tell a story of where we have been and hold the hopes and dreams of where we will go.